The Tenant signage guidelines at The Bowl at Ballantyne is currently under construction as a new retail and multi-use commercial district in the Ballantyne neighborhood southeast of Charlotte. In this district the signage is provided by the tenant. I worked with the environmental graphic design team on the creation of a tenant signage guidelines document. This guide is used as a tool for all new tenants on the allowable signage for their retail storefronts. Creating the tenant signage guidelines provides clarity for any new tenants on what types of signage are allowed as well as sizes, materials, and locations. It creates cohesion among all the storefronts in the district and provides a common vision among all adjacent storefronts.
Key Strategies:
Create accurate size and dimension diagrams for all the tenants in the district
Provide imagery and information on the allowed and not allowed signage types
Create a cohesive document adhering to the brand guidelines and standards
*All work done in collaboration with the graphic design at 505Design