After choosing a potential site of an existing NYC public school, typology studies were completed as design direction for a complete redevelopment of an entire city block. The current La Guardia High School, was a unique site for redevelopment with it's proximity to the performing arts venues as well multi-family public housing homes along with street level retail. The components of the project look to include both residential units, the La Guardia Performing Arts High School, and public multi-use performing arts spaces. The site is located adjacent to the Lincoln Center and nearby Hudson River.
The resulting design typology concept utilizes two rectilinear forms that extend the full length of the block. Overlapping space allows for shared performing arts spaces while residential units are isolated on the back side of the block. The transition from the Lincoln Center and with adjacent park spaces are also drivers for the direction of public and play space relative to the school and performing arts programs.
Completed with Colleague: McKenna Tiley