My gear has always been budget first and accumulated over time. I typically buy older, used equipment that is still in great condition for a reduced cost over buying the newest and greatest thing. Keep this in mind, as there may be better options available today compared to what I use.
When I started architecture school, I was required to get a DSLR camera to take photographs for various projects. I purchased a Nikon D3400 at the time with two kit lenses. It was a great little camera, that I still keep around as a backup.
Nikon D3500 (followed the 3400 with minor upgrades)
Canon Rebel T8i A slightly newer one, and thus a little more expensive than the Nikon.
Both are still great beginner options for DSLR in 2023 & 2024.
My current camera is the Nikon D810 This is still a great camera even being several years old and can be found for a lot less if buying used or refurbished. It's considered a professional camera so the price tag reflects that. It was followed by the Nikon D850 which made many upgrades and improvements. The 850 (still used by lots of professionals today) was widely considered one of the best professional cameras for many years before mirrorless cameras caught up.
My primary lenses: All were bought used: